Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Therefore do not throw away your confidence
which has a great reward. 

For you have need of endurance
so that when you have done the will of God 
you may receive what is promised."
Hebrews 10:35-36

Confidence full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, 
or reliability of a person or thing.

Endurance the ability or strength to continue or last,
especially despite fatigue, 
stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina.

Promised - something that has the effect of an express assurance. To assure (used in emphatic declarations).

Hebrews 10:35-36 are some verses that I have been pondering as I seek to deep my faith walk with God this week. I specifically underlined some words that we probably know in our mind what they mean but often I find, from my own experience, don't truly take to our hearts the full meaning of each word. 

I want to pull this verse apart this week and see how it can be personally applied to our daily walk with God.
The first part, "Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has great reward..." I remember a long time ago, my dad would say, "When you see the word 'therefore', you need to find out what it is 'there for'!" So, I took that advice and looked into the previous verses to find out what it was 'there for' and this is some of the observation I found. In verse 32, the write commands the reader to recall previous days of when you endured struggles and hardships and faced public exposure. He then reminds them that they had compassion on those who were in prison because of the gospel. He reminded them too that they held things on earth loosely knowing their where their true reward Heaven. Now that we have looked at previous verses, we need to see the command of the writer, "Therefore, DO NOT throw away your confidence, which has a great reward..." In my reading of these verses, here is what I see....Look at where you have been and what you have learned. Now look to today and its struggles and disappointments. DO NOT let today's struggles take away your confidence in who God says He is. Reminds me of the song, Count Your Many Blessings....GO AHEAD!!! Name them one by one...and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!
I purposely chose the picture at the top as it reminded me of the fact that even in life's storms of fear and doubt, God's light and direction and promise remain the same. The sun shining through the storm is like God shining through my life storm and your life storm. 
"Therefore, DO NOT throw away your confidence...." Satan the deceiver wants you to and will test you at every point to see whether or not you will obey this command....
 Confidence full trust; belief in the powers, 
trustworthiness, or reliability of person or thing. 
Put your confidence in God that He does hold your hand in whatever you face today!

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