Monday, June 11, 2012

We have moved!!!!!!

After 2 years plus, the Lord opened wide the door for us to move to North Dakota! We are pretty much settled into our new home...ok so there are a few more boxes and corners to organize...but I would say we are "moved in!"

Many have been asking, "Why North Dakota?" and inside I am shouting...."Why not North Dakota!" I am saying that out loud now as I enjoy a fresh cup of coffee, windows wide open, happy birds shouting out the glory of the Lord, and all kids are sleeping still...all this equals peacefulness at the moment!

A little over 2 years ago, we received a call from good friends of ours. Now, this just wasn't a "Hi! How are you?" call! It had been suggested time and time again that we should move up north and we always said..."Find us a house for little rent and we will consider it." We own our home in Indianapolis and we knew we couldn't afford to have two homes so this was about all we could handle! Well, back to that call.....the person on the other end said something to the effect....we have a house possibility for your family....its out in the country, big, little rent, and we have suggested it be offered to your family. WOW!!!! This could be a dream come true! It sounded good and yet we knew we had several things that needed to be all in a line to make this work. After visiting the place and talking to the owners (who now are great friends of ours!), we decided we would look further into this great idea. If I could describe the past couple of years, I would say it was like climbing a mountain. As we climbed, we caught beautiful glimpses of "what could happen" as well as "dark, hard, discouraging, rainy days. Always in the back of my mind at least, I had this thought..."Its too good to be true... so it probably wont happen!" The Lord knew I personally needed to have my faith in Him straightened.

My husband and I knew we needed to "upgrade" the house we were presently living in in Indianapolis. Six energetic kids need space and freedom to grow! We started praying that if this move was of the Lord, He would need to clearly show us that and open wide the doors to walk through. We visited the house and owners several times and saw the improvements they were making on the house. We then started asking God's direction as to what we should do with our house in Indianapolis. To make a long story shorter, we were lead to a property managment group with which we felt comfortable with in managing the technical side of a renter and maintaining the house for us. Before we even moved out of the house in Indianapolis, the Lord provided a renter for our home! Talk about excitment and shock all in one!

We then set a date to move. The Lord provided help and support in loading up our home into the back of a trailer that my husband David was able to pull with his semi. The Lord even provided a trailer for David to use at little cost. So, on May 1, 2012, we officially planted ourselves in the beautiful country of North Dakota!!! And from day one, we have not regretted our decision! What a change from city life! I now can watch my kids ride endless hours on their bikes, play on a beautiful wooden play set set up in our huge backyard, watch them fly kites with no power lines and few trees to avoid, and one of the my huge garden grow!

The Lord truly has done great things for us whereof we are VERY glad!

Thank you to all who prayed with us in this adventure; helped in various ways to make our dream a reality! But most of all, all the glory and honor must go to our great God who truly does give well beyond what we can think or imagine!

For those of you who would like our new address and phone number, drop me an email or inbox me on facebook and I would be glad to share that with you. Our email is

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