Sunday, January 29, 2012

Psalm 18 - Celebrate the way that God has shown His love to YOU!

During my quiet time this morning, I chose Psalm 18 to read and meditate on. I found it full of precious reminders and promises from our loving Lord. Here are a few thoughts I gleaned from it...and as time permits this coming week...I'm sure I can share many more!

"I love you, O LORD, MY strength. The Lord is MY Rock..." Personalize who God is in your He YOUR strength and YOUR Rock? My Rock, what does that really mean? When I think of a rock, I think of something that is hard, tried, solid, strong. Thank the Lord for being dependable; for being strong enough and stable enough to take care of you, your husband, your children, your needs. It's so easy to "say God is my strength and my rock" but is He truly that to you?
Take a moment and write down in your journal some ways God has proven He is dependable and strong enough to take care of you. Then celebrate in your heart and in your prayer time with Him those blessings. And as the song says...."Count your many blessings name them one by one, Count your blessings see what God has done."

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